Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Sometimes I Surprise Myself

Sometimes I surprise myself. I work for a chiropractor. We use moist heat therapy on our patients before they see the doctor. Some of our patients prefer to wear a gown for this treatment because they don't like it when their clothes get damp. One of our patients is rather large and we have only one gown that fits her. That gown is worn to tatters and we've been unable to locate another one. We were talking about this problem a few days ago.(here it comes, the part where I surprise myself) I picked up the gown, looked it over and --- here it comes--- said "I think I could use this old one as a pattern and make a new one". Those of you who truly know me are laughing now. STOP IT. Nobody was more surprised by those words than I.

I got some Wallyworld fabric, carried old and new home, and set to work. Four hours later I was finished. Okay, four hours IS a long time, but I am extremely sewing challenged. The point is, with only 2 'unpickings' I met my self-imposed challenge. The sleeves hang nicely. The tie closures line up properly. The hem is even. I am amazed. Truly amazed. I mean, we all know sewing machines are carnivorous, but I managed to come out of it relatively unscathed.

Sporting only one needle prick on my thumb and fancying myself quite the seamstress I decided it was as good a time as any to make new tablecloths for my round living room end tables. Successful Again! I'm quite giddy about it. Doing backflips. High-fiving the meter reader. Staring down the sewing machine shouting "I win! I win! I win!"

What shall she put her magic touch to next, you ask? Silly, silly you. I put that infernal devil machine back in the closet where it belongs and, with any luck, won't have to touch it again for years. One can only tempt the fates so far. And though I do, sometimes, surprise myself, I'm not a total fool!


Holly said...

Awesome, I am glad you just tackled it! I may never get over my phobia of the sewing machine. The table cloth looks awesome!

The Norths said...

WHOA! How amazing are you? I am so very VERY impressed.

Tara said...

Okay - my sides hurt from laughing. That was such a great post! I thoroughly enjoyed reading it and know that I am doing back flips with you over your sewing projects!

Lovin Life Together said...

What a trooper, you did a great job. I'm sure your patient will really appreciate it! I'm glad you have a blog so I can see what my Aunt Kathy is up to, since I have not seen you in forever! You're pictures are incredible, I wish I had that kind of talent.

Jamie said...

Kathy you crack me up! Im glad you took on the sewing machince and conquered it I am truely proud. Sewing is really a hard chore I will never accomplished. Congrats!!